[预订]Proofs: A Long-Form Mathematics Textbook (The Long-Form Math Textbook Series)
Reverse Mathematics: Proofs from the...
英文原版 Proofs and Theories 证据与理论 诗歌随笔 诺贝尔文学奖得主露易丝·格丽克Louise Gluck 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
预订 Quantum Proofs
预订 What was a Duke of Brabant? Or, an Historical Essay, With Proofs and Illustrations on the Sovereignty of That Provi
【预售】Tests and Proofs: Third International Conference
【预售】Types for Proofs and Programs: Second International
【预售】Types for Proofs and Programs: International
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[预订]Tests and Proofs 9783031388279
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【预订】Human Interactive Proofs
【预订】Types for Proofs and Programs
【预订】Certified Programs and Proofs
【预订】Tests and Proofs
【预订】Introduction to Mathematical Structures and Proofs
【预售】Feistel Ciphers: Security Proofs and...
【预售】An Introduction to Writing Mathematical Proofs: Shifting Gears from Calculus to Upper-Level Mathematics Cl...
【预订】Proofs of the Cantor-Bernstein Theor...
【预售】Mathematical Problems and Proofs: Combinatoric...
【预订】Proofs of the Cantor-Bernstein Theorem
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【预订】Writing Proofs in Analysis
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Proofs from THE BOOK
预订 Symmetric Cryptography Volume 1: Design and Security Proofs 对称密码学 第1卷:设计与安全证明: 9781789451467
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【预订】People, Problems, and Proofs: Essays...
【预订】People, Problems, and Proofs
【预售】Introduction to Mathematical Structures and Proofs
英文原版 Principles and Proofs Princeton Legacy Library原理与证明 亚里士多德的推演式科学理论 哲学Richard D. McKirahan Jr
预订 Aristotle's Modal Proofs
预订 Alasdair Urquhart on Nonclassical and Algebraic Logic and Complexity of Proofs 阿拉斯代尔·厄克特:非经典与代数逻辑
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【预订】Introduction to Mathematical Proofs, Second Edition
【预售】How to Read and Do Proofs: An Introduction to Mat
【预售】The Nuts and Bolts of Proofs: An Introduction to
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【预售】Adapting Proofs-As-Programs: The Curry--Howard
【预订】Building Proofs
【预订】Modern Cryptography, Probabilistic Proofs and Pseudorandomness
【预售】Proofs and Fundamentals